Video Poker Long Run Volatility
People often talk about casino games and issues of 'expectancy', which
is really just talking about the house edge and how much you're expected
to win or lose. The catch is, when people quote a house edge they are
almost always referring to a number that is only valid over the 'long
run'. Remember our talk about payback
volatility earlier? It can sometimes be a blessing, as you'll be there
at the right time and have a great payback percentage for your session,
but it will most often be a curse, as you can play with perfect strategy
and still lose your bankroll over the course of a session.
So the question is, how long is the long run? How much Video Poker do
we have to play if we want our precious positive expectation games to
pay us? That's a tough question. Some people say you need a million hands,
which comes down to a couple of thousand hours of play. In other words
your long run can literally take years, depending on how much you play.
This isn't to say that you'll be losing right up till you turn 95! The
long run is made up of a whole bunch of short runs. If we can work at
each short run being a winner, and making up more than all the losing
short runs, then we'll always be a bit up. Waiting for those royal flushes
can take a long time. That's exactly what following strategy
cards is all about. A good Video Poker strategy card can make all
the difference between making money and losing it, so don't think you
can rely on your poker smarts.
Using proper strategy on each hand you are presented with will ensure
you are getting as much out of the long run as you can. To gain a proper
long term advantage, (or as close as the machine will allow) you simply
have to follow the strategy, have a big enough bankroll to outlast the
low points volatility may bring, and play long enough to hit some big
hands. There aren't too many variables to worry about really, and that's
why Video Poker is such a player's game.