Welcome to Fat Tony's Video Poker
Video Poker is a casino game like no other, and it's different in a very
good way. Fat Tony's here to let you in on a little secret, if you haven't
heard yet, Video Poker holds the best long-term potential for turning
you into a winner.
Much like blackjack, Video Poker is a game of skill, which rewards knowledge
and smart play. It's not hard to find a machine that, when played right,
offers a house edge as low as 0.5%, which rivals the best bets available
at the craps table, and the best blackjack strategies around. It's even
possible to find a machine that offers a house edge capable of dipping
below 0, turning it into a player's advantage game! This is, of course,
completely unheard of anywhere else in the casino.
Video Poker offers the advantage of a skill-based game you get to play
by yourself, at your own pace, which also features the potential for big
payoffs. No other game with big payoff potential has a low house edge!
Many table players thing the only other thing available to them at the
casino are slot machines. While they may look a lot alike, Video Poker
machines and Slot Machines don't truly have a lot in common. Many slot
players move to Video Poker naturally, as the style of play is similar.
Other than that though, the game, what goes into playing it, and how you
win, are all quite different.
To get started playing video poker, you should familiarize yourself with
the concept of poker hands, and how they rank relative to one another.
Video Poker is not the same as regular poker, but they share the same
common denominator of poker hands and hand rankings.

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How an online casino can offer the best online blackjack experience
Online casino games have become very popular in recent years. It is entertaining and can be done in virtually any place that has an Internet connection, anywhere in Australia. There is a wide variety of different games that can keep you occupied for hours at a time. You also have a chance to win money while playing. Most of these games are based purely on luck and are completely random. There are some games that involve the player to make certain decisions that could affect the outcome of the game. Online blackjack is one of them.
It is a game that is played against the dealer and involves some degree of skill by each player. You will need to make decisions on whether to receive another card or stand on your current hand. In order for you to win you will need to have a hand that is higher than that of the dealer. The highest hand that a person can have is 21. Online blackjack is both entertaining and involves strategic thinking. The payout for a normal win against the dealer is even odds. A blackjack win pays 3-2 and is acquired by receiving a card that is equivalent to a 10 and an ace. There are also many different types of blackjack games online that have slightly different rules. Make sure that you understand all of the rules before playing for money. When playing in an online casino in Australia, there are also random jackpots that can be won by people playing online. This is completely random and can be won at any time.
Online Poker WSOP Champions
Gambling for profit at the beginning of the twentieth century was usually associated with national sporting and current events, such as horse races and election predictions. Many small-scale gamblers were in the practice of routinely participating in regularly scheduled card games. Some players, known as rounders, were even know to travel around in search gambling opportunities, making a living off of the small fortunes they attempted to amass by playing a series of low-risk local games. The profits that these card sharks chased were insignificant, especially in comparison to the income traditional urban bookies were able to take in from a single night's work.
The first major card tournament is generally recognized as the 1970 WSOP. This event transformed a cultural tradition into a widely recognized sporting event and changed the way we look at gambling forever. The earliest WSOP tournaments had a surprising influence on the course of the game's history; it exposed an immense desire amongst gaming fans everywhere to participate in real money card games on their own level. The popularity of early WSOP tournaments also allowed several young poker champions to fulfill their destiny as the forefathers of the online poker empire.
Information about contemporary WSOP tournaments is available at trusted poker online resources such as Poker.ca and Ultimate bet poker. One of reasons that the game's community of fans remains so strong despite the current online casino craze is that many of the industry's leaders are former professional card players themselves devoted to bringing up-to-the- minute information to today's tight-knit gambling enthusiasts.